Workshop from the University of Central Lancashire with Dr. Iakovos Panagopoulos (Academic Scholar of Audio Visual Arts Department)

Posted: 05-02-2021 13:19 | Views: 2146
Start: 08-02-2021 |End: 12-02-2021
Participating Members
Iakovos Panagopoulos

On Monday 08/02/2021 and Friday 12/02/2021 Dr. Iakovos Panagopoulos is invited by Prof. Erik Knudsen and University of Central Lancashire to run a workshop with Prof. Knudsen organized by the Institute of Citizenship Society and Change of University of Central Lancashire.

The title of the workshop is Participatory Online Stakeholder Engagement-POSE and aims at training the U.C.Lan. teaching stuff in Storytelling tools and how these techniques can be used in their own disciplines. The workshop is going to run with Prof. Knudsen and StoryLab’s (Skills Training for Democratized Film Industries) methodological tool, Ethnomediaology.

An interdisciplinary approach inspired by practices in Ethnomusicology and Autoethnography. Ethnomediaology involves the active and immersive participation of creative practitioner researchers in the development of new story ideas, usually rooted in practical creative play engaging with all participants’ imaginations, emotions and feelings. Such a process uses this active personal engagement as a basis for knowledge generation, data gathering and evaluation. 

Dr. Iakovos Panagopoulos is an official researcher of StoryLab (Skills Training for Democratized Film Industries) and he delivered the workshop in California with the participation of Tejon Native American Tribe.

For more information see: StoryLab

For more information regarding (StoryLab Skills Training for Democratized Film Industries) see: StoryLab Network


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