The Department of Audio and Visual Arts at the FEMeeting 2022 Conference

Posted: 02-03-2022 21:26 | Views: 1706
Start: 02-03-2022 |End: 12-04-2022
Participating Members
Dalila Honorato


The Department of Audio and Visual Arts is a partner of the FEMeeting 2022 Conference.

The Department of Audio and Visual Arts of the Ionian University has been named a partner of the third FEMeeting – Women in Art, Science and Technology Conference. The conference will be taking place between 12 and 17 September 2022, in Évora, Portugal. FEMeeting was first organized in 2017, the original idea coming from artist Marta de Menezes and Dalila Honorato, Associate Professor of the aforementioned Department of Audio and Visual Arts.

This year’s conference is organized by FEMeeting, the Cultivamos Cultura Institute (Portugal) and Direção Regional de Cultura do Alentejo (also in Portugal). The conference’s partners include the Ionian University, the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (USA), the University of California Los Angeles (USA), Aalto University (Finland), Universidade Nacional Autonoma do México (Mexico), I3S – Institute of Health Innovation and Research (Portugal), Windsor University (Canada), Science for Change (Ισπανία), the University of Western Australia (Australia) and Leonardo/Olats (France).

FEMeeting is driven by the desire to develop and promote a more direct collaboration at the level of artistic and research projects between all individuals who identify with the female gender. The conference aims to disseminate projects being undertaken by women worldwide and, as a result, to contribute to the development of art-science research methodologies and to the growth of cooperation strategies that can increase knowledge sharing and bring communities closer.

The conference will be held English. Abstracts can be submitted until 12 April 2022.

More info about FEMeeting 2022 and the abstract submission process can be found in the following link: FEMeeting


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