Dance demonstration (IDE-Fantasy, EASTN-DC) on 02-07/05/2022 at the Studio of the Municipal and Regional Theater of Corfu (DIPETHE)

Posted: 28-04-2022 12:42 | Views: 13590
Start: 02-05-2022 |End: 07-05-2022
Participating Members
Ioannis Zannos

From Monday 2 to Friday 7 May, Ms Haruka Hirayama, Mr. Hideaki Isobe (Professors of Computer Music, Music Technology and New Media at Hokkaido Information University and Tokyo Music College) are visiting Corfu as guests of the European project EASTN-DC  (European Art-Science-Technology Network, Digital Creativity) and the Audiovisual Arts Festival of the Department of Audio & Visual Arts of the Ionian University, to develop and show projects at the Studio of the Municipal and Regional Theatre of Corfu.

The two musicians will collaborate with the dancers Tasos Pappas-Petridis and Mary Radou, to develop work in which they will use motion sensors to control the synthesis of sound and image. Iannis Zannos, Professor of the Audio & Visual Arts Department in Computer Music and Vicky Bismbikis, a graduate of the ITI's Audio & Visual Arts Department in programming sound and graphics programming, are also collaborating in this project.  

The artists above are developing improvisations and compositions in which  dancers equipped with sensors control sound and image interactively. A preview of works in progress will be presented on Friday, May 6, at 13:00-14:00 at the Studio of the Municipal and Regional Theater of Corfu (DIPETHE).


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