“Current trends in Gender and Sexuality and their influence on Media and Fashion” a lecture by Dr. Sharna Striar

Posted: 04-10-2022 18:22 | Views: 2777
Important Date: 11-10-2022
Participating Members
Dalila Honorato

On Tuesday, October 11th, 2022, in room YK1 of the Department of Audio & Visual Arts – Ionian University, from 18:30 to 20:00, as part of the course "THE702 Multimedia Semiotics IΙ", Assoc. Prof. Dalila Honorato invite you to the lecture “Current trends in Gender and Sexuality and their influence on Media and Fashion” by the US guest-speaker Dr. Sharna Striar. This lecture is supported by the Interactive Arts Laboratory, the Program for the design of an Erasmus+ MA Art, Science and Health, and the Gender Equality Committee of the Ionian University.

More about this lecture

As a psychotherapist and certified sex therapist working primarily with patients in the 20’s and 30’s in New York City, I have heard and witnessed the ever-changing attitudes about gender identity and sexual expression. How do the current trends in gender and sexual expression impact the media and fashion? Are media and fashion depicting people’s views or are they shaping them? This presentation will address these questions and encourage a lively discussion from the audience.

More about this speaker

After graduating from Boston University with a BSN in Nursing, Dr. Sharna Striar completed her Masters in Psychiatric Nursing at Hunter College, followed by a Ph.D. from the Educational Psychology Department at the University of Michigan’s School of Education. She then became a Fellow of Psychology in the Human Sexuality Program at Weill Medical College, Cornell University, directed by Dr. Helen Singer Kaplan, a pioneer in the field of sex therapy. Following the completion of this program, Dr. Striar was invited to serve as a Clinical Associate in Dr. Kaplan’s private practice, and for several years as her Project Manager in a long-term research study in Human Sexuality. Dr. Striar has been on the faculty of leading universities, first as a professor at the University of Michigan, and later at Seton Hall and the City University of New York’s Hunter College, where she taught courses on group dynamics, communication, and sexology. She has contributed to journals in the field of sexology and popular culture, and has spoken at professional forums and on national television and radio. Official website https://sharnastriar.com/  


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