AVARTS Live Game Hub

Posted: 29-11-2022 10:47 | Views: 3055
Important Date: 06-12-2022

The 2nd AVARTS Live Game Hub takes place on the 6th of December 2022 and welcomes anyone who wants to play games designed by new game designers and developers and to participate in a creative dialogue concerning ideas, technologies, and approaches that make games more attractive. The event is organized by teachers of the Department of Audio and Visual Arts with a coordinating core of Vasileios Komianos, Varvara Garnelis, and Emmanouel Rovithis, and participated by students who are actively involved in the game design and development process. Tabletop, digital, and augmented reality games will be presented that have been developed by students and teachers of the Department of Audio and Visual Arts in the context of the Department's courses and research projects.


Where and when

Department of Audio and Visual Arts, Gkousis building, Tuesday 6 December 2022, 11.00 - 15.00



Terms of use:

These works may be saved and copied for your personal and scholarly purposes. These works are protected by intellectual rights license Creative Commons:
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

Free public access to these works is allowed. Any interested party can freely copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, provided appropriate credit is given to the original work and its creator. These works cannot be remixed, transformed, build upon, or used for commercial purposes.


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