Hari Marini, Associate Professor AVARTS, participated in Tartalo-The VII International Conference on Myth in the Art, University of the Basque Country, and in the festival Tartalo-I Week of the fantastic in the Arts in Vitoria-Gasteiz (Spain)

Posted: 14-11-2023 11:31 | Views: 961
Participating Members
Charikleia (Hari) Marini

Hari Marini, Associate Professor of the Department of Audio and Visual Arts at the Ionian University, was keynote speaker to the international conference Tartalo. The VII International Conference on Myth in the Arts organized by the Faculty of Arts, University of the Basque Country, November 2023. Her paper was entitled: "Moving Through Mythical Space: Unknown Terrains and Site-based Performance Practices".

Also, within the festival Tartalo. I Week of the fantastic in the Arts in Vitoria-Gasteiz (Spain) she presented the performance Spiralling Words: Πoesia en acció alongside her collaborator Dr Noelia Díaz-Vicedo, University of the Balearic Islands. The performance took place at Centro Cultural Montehermoso Kulturunea in Vitoria-Gasteiz, November 2023.


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