Renata Dalianoudi, Associate Professor, Dept. of Audio & Visual Arts, participates in the International Congress “NEOGRAECA MEDII AEVI”, October 3-6 2024

Posted: 26-09-2024 18:28 | Views: 492
Start: 03-10-2024 |End: 06-10-2024
Participating Members
Renata Dalianoudi
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Renata Dalianoudi, Musicologist - PhD in Ethnomusicology, Associate Professor, Dept. of Audio & Visual Arts, Ionian University, participates in the International Congress “Neograeca Medii Aevi VIII. Tradition, Perception and Edition of the Texts”, which is organized by the Dpt of Philology, University of Ioannina, in honor of the Emeritus Professor Mr. Yiannis Mavromatis, at Ioannina, October 3-6 2024. 

The title of her paper: “The musical perception of the Cretan Epos “Erotocritus” by folk and art composers. Folkloric and Musicological Approach”.



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