Renata Dalianoudi, Associate Professor, Dept. of Audio & Visual Arts, participates at the Conference "50 years of Greek song: 1974-2024: sociological and cultural approaches", 26-27.11.2024

Posted: 20-11-2024 09:47 | Views: 387
Start: 26-11-2024 |End: 27-11-2024
Participating Members
Renata Dalianoudi
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Renata Dalianoudi, Associate Professor, Dept. of Audio & Visual Arts, Ionian University, is invited to participate at the Conference "50 years of Greek song: 1974-2024: sociological and cultural approaches", organized by the Laboratory of Cultural and Optical Studies of the Dpt of Journalism & Media, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. 

Her paper: "M. Hadjidakis' work after the Restoration of Democracy: artistic introversion or a liberal/ "queer" approach of song".

The conference will take place at the University Campus, 26-27 November, Thessaloniki


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