Visual Dialogues 2013: Participation of Bill Psarras

Posted: 20-11-2013 10:20 | Updated: 03-02-2014 17:10 | Views: 2944

The Visual Dialogues 2013, which the Onassis Cultural Centre is staging for the third time, mark the 150th anniversary of the birth and 80th anniversary of the death of the great poet, C.P. Cavafy (1863-1933). A stroll through the Plato’s Academy Leisure Park becomes a journey around works by contemporary Greek and international artists which deal with the presence of ancient Greek thought in Cavafy’s poetry. Between 7 November 2013 and 7 January 2014  new and original art-works using modern technologies (video screenings, digital images, photographs and animation etc.) are shown between 7 November 2013 - 7 January 2014 in architectural constructions which become a compass for a journey with a difference. Participating artist is the graduate of the AVarts Dept. Bill Psarras.

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