Portrait of a man

Views: 610

This short film is the portrait of a man, emphasizing a specific aspect of himself, that is, his engagement with musical improvisation.

Andreas Lazidis/ Fotis Lazidis

Aris Melachroinos
The consequences of 2020 to an average man
Leonidas Lazelis
The consequences of 2020 to an average man
Grandma Areti
Areti - Irene Kovani
Grandma Areti
Alexis Sidiropoulos
Marios Papamanolis
Vasiliki Kopaila
Lying upon a Rock
Spyros Kavvadias
Lying upon a Rock
Margarita Chalakatevaki
The abortion law
Vasiliki Kopaila
The abortion law
Searching for Meaning
Maria Kalliopi Masloumidi
Searching for Meaning
Views: 742

A short observational documentary that depicts Bella's life, a stray dog that lives in the old town of Corfu, through the filming of a random day.

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The consequences of 2020 to an average man
Views: 526

The narration of the basic changes in the life of an everyday man during 2020. The deprivations, the adjustments, but also the losses he suffered during such a strange period of time. All this through the perspective of his daily activities within a single day.

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Grandma Areti
Views: 544

This documentary is about my grandmother, Areti. I have her name. She is a very simple and sweet person. She always wants to take care of and feed us.

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Views: 563

Visual investigation and documentation of the slaughter of pigs.

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Views: 658

Dimitris Besios is involved with modelism for over 45 years. He is answering questions about his hobby.

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Views: 579

The portrait of a young, lonely man in a foreign country, whose only consolation is smoking. The documentary observes his daily life: He lives with the basics and wanders in the city. His grief comes from the fact that he is alone without his family.

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Lying upon a Rock
Views: 696

A documentary about Lazaretto, the desert islet near the city of Corfu that functioned for centuries as a quarantine station as well as a place of execution for political prisoners during the Greek Civil War. The identity of the place is approached through fragmentary testimonies and original sources.

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Views: 860

Aynadamar: An important place as far back as when the Arabs were in the area. The whole region of Andalusia was supplied with water through that spring, reaching as far as Madrid. Several years later, the poet and playwright Federico Garcia Lorca is taken there to be executed. His work in turn supplied the whole Spain and spread to the rest of the world. The documentary intertwines significant events of his life with dramatised excerpts from his work, aiming at achieving Duende (as Lorca used to say), the quintessence of all things.

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The abortion law
Views: 589

The documentary presents an important incident that happened in Poland in October 2020: The government announced the almost universal ban on abortions, and daily protests followed until the government freeze the law. Two women talk about their own involvement in demonstrations and express their feelings about government decisions.

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Searching for Meaning
Views: 627

Everyday life through the eyes of Vassilis, an energetic and open-minded, aging man.

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