In between moments

Views: 82

Moments that meet and compose new ones through clips of a few seconds. Their common point is the associative thinking during their creation and the sense of the surrealistic-dreamlike mood.

Me, myself & ai
Sofi Moutafi
Me, myself & ai
Something Goes
Georgia Skartadou
Something Goes
Bouquets: Artifact Conglomerations
Bouquets: Artifact Conglomerations
Paralysis by Analysis
Evangelos Aslanidis
Paralysis by Analysis
Electroakoustic Music and Painting based on Vincent's Van Gogh Starry Night
Μaria Stella Lemoni Theodorou
Electroakoustic Music and Painting based on Vincent's Van Gogh Starry Night
Martha Gogakou
Margarita Chalakatevaki
"200 years since the Revolution of 1821 and the role of Corfu"
Nikolaos Korakianitis
"200 years since the Revolution of 1821 and the role of Corfu"
Filter Bubbles
Filter Bubbles
Private - Public
Dimitra Politi
Private - Public
Me, myself & ai
Views: 75

Α creative dynamic dialogue with artificial intelligence (ai). The cursor is about to press "generate". Analyzing.

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Something Goes
Views: 845

The current project is a digital, interactive, audiovisual application that can be used either as a virtual installation accompanied by a simultaneous projection of its content in the physical space or be distributed as an executable digital medium on any computer, compatible with its technical specifications. It examines the flow of information, its creation, collection, storage, interpretation and utilization through perceptual mechanisms that mutate -enhance or degrade- with the available tools of digital reality and its transformation from a sequence of serial, adjacent and referential values to one unified context, what is usually interpreted as meaning or significance. The participants of this reality are called upon to engage at the degree of signification that expresses them better, ranging from a purely perceptual and empirical viewing to a frantic clarification of everything included.

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Bouquets: Artifact Conglomerations
Views: 161

The project composes a series of random artifacts relating to art and design history, used either ας decorative or utilitarian artifacts, turning them into a non-definitive object [bouquet] floating in space.

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Paralysis by Analysis
Views: 49

The audiovisual work "Paralysis by Analysis" presents a combined experience that unfolds in two chapters of two and three dimensions respectively.

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Electroakoustic Music and Painting based on Vincent's Van Gogh Starry Night
Views: 970

As Vincent van Gogh's "Starry Night" is one of my favorite paintings, I created an acoustic composition with the main goal of creating an atmosphere with a freer and more abstract approach. The small touches, the colors, the swirling flow, the natural landscape of the painting and the psychosynthesis of the artist are captured. The piece in combination with two images consists of three parts. In the first part, the night landscape is presented, in the second the intense emotions of the artist and in the third the nature with its power that calms the human soul.

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Views: 784

"Dharmadhatu" is an experimental audiovisual video with linear narrative. It has been created with an original experimental technique, where each frame results from a live recording of the behavior of flowing colors on a painted surface.

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Views: 859

Aynadamar: An important place as far back as when the Arabs were in the area. The whole region of Andalusia was supplied with water through that spring, reaching as far as Madrid. Several years later, the poet and playwright Federico Garcia Lorca is taken there to be executed. His work in turn supplied the whole Spain and spread to the rest of the world. The documentary intertwines significant events of his life with dramatised excerpts from his work, aiming at achieving Duende (as Lorca used to say), the quintessence of all things.

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"200 years since the Revolution of 1821 and the role of Corfu"
Views: 796

The present postgraduate thesis was prepared in the context of the completion of the postgraduate program of the Department of Sound and Visual Arts of the Ionian University.
The study of the subject will be the facts and data on the occasion of the completion of 200 years since the Greek Revolution.
The present work aims to enrich the theoretical framework of study. Its structure is based on data that I have collected (rare photographic material, letters, etc.), from the Public Archives of the State, the Kapodistrias Museum and the Reading Company.

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Filter Bubbles
Views: 91

The AVARTS team's project "Filter Bubbles" aims to raise critical reflection on the extent of the responsibility attributed to algorithms and technology for the formation of these "isolation bubbles". Furthermore, through the artistic process, it aims to weaken the positive feedback loops that gigantize imperfect information, foster fear and undermine creativity.

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Private - Public
Views: 100

This changing frame represents an allegorical image of human nature, which when it is in dialectic with the outside world - during the transition from private to public life, experiences conflicting feelings of apprehension, anticipation, reticence, curiosity and extroversion.

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