The Deep Field

Views: 578

The female body carries a history of wounds throughout the centuries. Murders and rapes of women around the world, clitoridectomy in African countries, women covered with Chadors in Iran, Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan, women covered with Burkas in the Persian Gulf, death by stoning in India, family homicides in Pakistan, baby girls thrown in the trash upon birth in China, excision still happens today in some countries in Africa.

The female body that brings life into the world has the right to expression, sexuality, to wearing whatever it wants, to creating, falling in love, to growing old, leaving, to be free. This performance concerns the female body but also the redefinition of the position of the women today. The sound is a key part of the performance it is an original composition by Nikos Kanellakis especially for the specific action. The performance will be videotaped and the material will be displayed on a screen at the same time.

Christina Mitsani- Nikos Kanelakis

Evgenia Pouli
The Hounds of Love
Giannis Andreou
The Hounds of Love
Fani Arapi
INRIRI - Interactive Audiovisual Theatrical Performance
Sofi Moutafi
INRIRI - Interactive Audiovisual Theatrical Performance
Views: 630

A person is called to carry out and experience a routine in the limited space of a house, in conditions of total isolation from the outside world. So what does that daily routine look like under these conditions? How much awareness of her actions she has? How does she act and react to her own actions? In such a condition, is there a possibility of damaging or upgrading the person's relationship with herself? The performance "memory" is an attempt to visualize all these questions

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The Hounds of Love
Views: 663

This particular project is a drag performance of my persona with references to my childhood, my relationship with my father when I was young and my mother as a working woman. It was created by using archive (videos) from my childhood and photos of the mothers of my friends.

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Views: 105

The performance Finem deals with app[ause ας a transformative act. The aim of the action is to deconstruct applause ας a social expression of admiration and recognition.

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INRIRI - Interactive Audiovisual Theatrical Performance
Views: 709

Myths are living stories that grow with time, change, adapt, but continue being a source for research, inspiration and creativity. The interactive audiovisual theatrical performance INRIRI questions the adaptation of an archetypal myth at a time of many dimensions and levels with elements from physical theater and embedded interactive technology in the performing space. Parts of the story are a Caribbean myth which transforms the body, a woodpecker and some new experimental technologies. On stage two bodies try to communicate with themselves and the environment around them and to discover anew what a body can be, what the relation and connection with the other body and which are the influences of the surrounding space on them.

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