
Views: 625

A short observational documentary that depicts Bella's life, a stray dog that lives in the old town of Corfu, through the filming of a random day.

Aris Melachroinos, Georgia Zabelaki

City symphony
Xanthos Tsafalopoulos
City symphony
Vasiliki Kopaila
Eurydice Konstantinidou
Filitsa Gougoudi
The reason I am cycling
Georgios Daios
The reason I am cycling
Margarita Chalakatevaki
Grandma Areti
Areti - Irene Kovani
Grandma Areti
Lydia Kolivinou
A Portrait of an old woman
Lydia Kasfiki
A Portrait of an old woman
The portrait of my mother
Xanthos Tsafalopoulos
The portrait of my mother
City symphony
Views: 553

Observational documentary: People and daily life in the city of Corfu before covid 19.

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Views: 501

The portrait of a young, lonely man in a foreign country, whose only consolation is smoking. The documentary observes his daily life: He lives with the basics and wanders in the city. His grief comes from the fact that he is alone without his family.

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Views: 520

The movie describes Varvara's life. If you like to learn more about her, just watch it.

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Views: 457

Elpiniki and her deep passion for flute and singing.

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The reason I am cycling
Views: 469

A young bicycle rider explains why he wants to spend so much time with this sport: The hard and great times that bike gives him.

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Views: 717

Aynadamar: An important place as far back as when the Arabs were in the area. The whole region of Andalusia was supplied with water through that spring, reaching as far as Madrid. Several years later, the poet and playwright Federico Garcia Lorca is taken there to be executed. His work in turn supplied the whole Spain and spread to the rest of the world. The documentary intertwines significant events of his life with dramatised excerpts from his work, aiming at achieving Duende (as Lorca used to say), the quintessence of all things.

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Grandma Areti
Views: 489

This documentary is about my grandmother, Areti. I have her name. She is a very simple and sweet person. She always wants to take care of and feed us.

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Views: 566

The film refers to the pandemic crisis of covid-19 in the country, after the enforcement of the restriction measures. It observes the everyday life of the town centre of Corfu. It includes the randomness of recording the reality, the contradictions and the paradox of it. It attempts to render the suffocating atmosphere, that has a huge impact on the everyday life and the psychology of the people.

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The portrait of my mother
Views: 604

A day in my mother's life. The documentary shows her daily routine, something that I personally find very interesting as I believe that the true self of a person lies in the "insignificant".

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