At some point it will overflow

Views: 117

A thought upon all the things we don't listen to, until we can't but listen.

An animation featuring a creature balancing over the words that are haunting her. The more she tries to avoid them the more intense their presence becomes. Documentation as a form of purification.

The creature, as a tool, works to channel and depict emotional states. The words, a suffocating chatter, are absorbed from the surroundings and carved into the thoughts. The more they are ignored, the stronger their presence. The only purification is to express and visualize them, bringing the creature in direct contact with them.

(Joanna Poupaki - Idea, Illustration, Typeface & Animation)

EX-SITU [existing situations]. Destruction as an social-artistic practice.
Tonia Aino
EX-SITU [existing situations]. Destruction as an social-artistic practice.
Natural Perversion
Luc Messinezis
Natural Perversion
Marilu Theologiti
Private - Public
Dimitra Politi
Private - Public
The chained elephant
Alkistis Papa
The chained elephant
Athens, my love
Dimitris Kechris
Athens, my love
ΟBLIVION: A Rotoscoping Videoclip
Sosanna Natalia Tsaousi
ΟBLIVION: A Rotoscoping Videoclip
Paralysis by Analysis
Evangelos Aslanidis
Paralysis by Analysis
State Of Affairs
Nichoalos Κarnampatides
State Of Affairs
EX-SITU [existing situations]. Destruction as an social-artistic practice.
Views: 794

EX-SITU[existing situations] is an interactive installation that incorporates a computer, sound, and lighting technologies in which users/ viewers take part in the destruction of the painting by stepping on it. At the same time, a motion tracking system marks visitors and a light spot tracks them.​
The content of EX SITU calls for awareness of social indifference, self-promotion, and their impact on society. The structure of EX SITU is intentionally ambiguous, revealing the obsession/fascination for the protection of material in contrast with the empathy for other people.
The interactive installation underlines the responsibility of individuals in society. The theoretical part analyses the Destruction in Art Symposium in 1966 and The bystander effect, or bystander apathy, in which individuals are less likely to offer help to a victim when other people are present.

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Natural Perversion
Views: 625

In the realm of acoustic hyper-reality we meet aural simulacra of the order of maleficence. These are signals that mask and denature a profound acoustic reality. They are referential and representational, but in a way that they dissimulate reality and become its twisted Doppelgängers. Simulacra of the order of maleficence are perversions of reality. With the sound artwork ‘Natural Perversion’ Through a set of sonic processes the artist delves into autogenerative, autopoietic, responsive and biomimetic modes of creation exploring how the original naturally produced audio signal can be transformed into a sonic caricature and depending on the way it balances between its signifier and its signified aspect, it may re-interpret naturally produced concrete audible events into a musical language which serves both the acousmatic and the non-cochlear approaches to contemporary sound art.

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Views: 603

In this video art work 39 persons of different ages are invited to sit in front of the same black door, talk about their favourite object and in what, by using this object, they could be transformed. In the final cut only the silent expressions are kept.

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Views: 836

The compositional method is based on the incorporation of sound material of cultural background into an electroacoustic piece. By drawing a linear narration, my aim was to demonstrate a unity, an imaginary community, which characterizes the Romani culture, despite the hybridic, complicated and diverse traditions deriving from the various European and Asian countries its people live in. A central question behind the making of this piece is what kind of role can a civilization have today, when the concept of space is eliminated by time- a key element in the dynamics of capitalism. What are the cultural consequences of the so-called annihilation of time and space, as materialized and tangible dimensions of social life? Are historical tradition and the search for roots promoted and reorganized as simulacra, imitations or/and museum culture, thourgh the demonstration of a partly deceptive past?

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Private - Public
Views: 100

This changing frame represents an allegorical image of human nature, which when it is in dialectic with the outside world - during the transition from private to public life, experiences conflicting feelings of apprehension, anticipation, reticence, curiosity and extroversion.

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The chained elephant
Views: 811

The project is the animation of the fairy tale "The chained elephant". "The Chained Elephant" is one of the stories of psychiatrist Jorge Bukay from his book "Let me tell you a story" which he tells to his client. It refers to a child' s question who notices that a huge circus elephant remains tied to a small stick without trying to free itself and without protesting. The circus elephant remained tied to his tiny stick because "the memory of the weakness he felt shortly after his birth is etched in his memory."

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Athens, my love
Views: 64

An essay-film which looks for mnemic traces of major political events inscribed in the body of the metropolitan entity of Athens.

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ΟBLIVION: A Rotoscoping Videoclip
Views: 780

This thesis is about the production, direction and animation οf a contemporary dance music video lasting four (4) minutes. Its title is "OBLIVION: Music video using the Rotoscoping technique". Its subject is the loss of a great summer love and the pain that comes when this love is over. Its goal for all of its elements be to harmoniously joined together i. e. the dance, the surroundings, the colors, the music and the animation so as to make the viewer feel nostalgic and melancholic.

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Paralysis by Analysis
Views: 49

The audiovisual work "Paralysis by Analysis" presents a combined experience that unfolds in two chapters of two and three dimensions respectively.

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State Of Affairs
Views: 818

When the observer is standing in front of a work of art and is trying to comprehend it, they are consciously entering a recognition process. This is achieved because the brain recognizes the relationship between some shapes or colors in the piece of art and, automatically, recalls them from memory. This procedure creates the necessary conditions for the creation of new neural synapses. Using these facts?, the artist suggests an audiovisual performance that includes an interference of audio to the visual aspect? in real time.

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