
Views: 97

Social sensitization animation project on road safety. It emphasizes the use of a safety helmet when driving a motorcycle. The project was realized by the "Graffiti Animation Lab" (Applied Arts Sector/ 9th Vocational High School of Patras) with the participation of 13 adult students. It was produced with the team-work approach to learning and the implementation of conventional animation techniques.

Forest of Winds
Orestis Dimopoulos
Forest of Winds
The chained elephant
Alkistis Papa
The chained elephant
The Room
The Room
Natural Perversion
Luc Messinezis
Natural Perversion
Where do I exist?
Sousana Romanidou
Where do I exist?
The portrait of my mother
Xanthos Tsafalopoulos
The portrait of my mother
Chasing Sugar
Rania Mastrosavva
Chasing Sugar
Fani Kesidou
Margarita Chalakatevaki
Forest of Winds
Views: 635

With the opportunity of the preparation of the trip, the productive process of maintenance, repair and work in the area of the shipyard, the project "Forest of Winds" is created. The project was named "Forest of Winds" because of the sound of the wind passing through the masts of the boats. The "Forest of Winds" is a 360 video animation evolving into a theatrical space and indefinite time. The video depicts the invisible side of a dream, the dream of a journey and its preparation with the forms of workers hovering impersonal in space as work uniforms, creating a choreographed kinesiological narrative process. The forms of workers rub, shine and accomplish all kinds of jobs with their repetitive motions, until they are left in space like objects in an endless free fall.

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The chained elephant
Views: 812

The project is the animation of the fairy tale "The chained elephant". "The Chained Elephant" is one of the stories of psychiatrist Jorge Bukay from his book "Let me tell you a story" which he tells to his client. It refers to a child' s question who notices that a huge circus elephant remains tied to a small stick without trying to free itself and without protesting. The circus elephant remained tied to his tiny stick because "the memory of the weakness he felt shortly after his birth is etched in his memory."

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The Room
Views: 799

Where do memories go when they are lost? Are they still where we left them, if we don’t recall them? In this room, as private and irrevocable as our memory, objects animate a series of scenarios. A memory floods the room, another struggles to disclose itself, another one leaks back and forth in time. The idea of the ‘other’ hovers between what has already passed and what is reminisced every time. We never recollect events and spaces as such. We always enliven recollections in our own way. Through constant evocations that seek to perpetuate the existence of the ‘room’, memories converse with space and time, as well as with a part of ourselves. Either as past, forgetfulness or loss, they always contain something that is already gone.

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Natural Perversion
Views: 625

In the realm of acoustic hyper-reality we meet aural simulacra of the order of maleficence. These are signals that mask and denature a profound acoustic reality. They are referential and representational, but in a way that they dissimulate reality and become its twisted Doppelgängers. Simulacra of the order of maleficence are perversions of reality. With the sound artwork ‘Natural Perversion’ Through a set of sonic processes the artist delves into autogenerative, autopoietic, responsive and biomimetic modes of creation exploring how the original naturally produced audio signal can be transformed into a sonic caricature and depending on the way it balances between its signifier and its signified aspect, it may re-interpret naturally produced concrete audible events into a musical language which serves both the acousmatic and the non-cochlear approaches to contemporary sound art.

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Where do I exist?
Views: 918

The title of this artwork is "Where Do I Exist?". This is a virtual space that explores the relationship between reality and virtual reality. Moreover, it the result of a pandemic society that tends to communicate through social media. It is the impression of our lifes into a virtual world, free from our body and the stereotypes it might follows it. Could we be free from our body and ideas such as gender identity and death? What is the meaning of touch into an immaterial world? Anyone can be part of this artwork with a twitter hashtag of the word #immaterial.

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The portrait of my mother
Views: 682

A day in my mother's life. The documentary shows her daily routine, something that I personally find very interesting as I believe that the true self of a person lies in the "insignificant".

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Chasing Sugar
Views: 730

Zoe is a 25 year-old student, living in Corfu island, Greece with her only friend and roommate Anne. Waking up late an afternoon Zoe realises that her friend is missing and she goes out at night alone in search of her. The strangely empty and quiet town, a series of bizzare events and the sense that she's been followed gives her the realization that something strange is going on and her eager to find her friend grows stronger.
At that time she comes across a dark human figure that wants to capture her. Trying to escape, Zoe ends up in a white room with nothing but a mirror inside.
As she walks closer to the mirror she sees that someone is trapped inside a room. Thinking that it's her friend Anne she reaches and goes through the mirror into that other room.
As she sits down next to the other person, thinking that she is Anne, she realizes it's her own self. In a desperate and decisive moment she tries to save her double, only to realize that her double can not cross to the other side of the mirror. Realizing that there's no way out the double lets go of Zoes hand.
Zoe wakes up in her room in the morning, gets dressed and goes for a walk by the sea in the now fully alive and noisy town. As she stands and stares at the waves she meets a girl named Anne sitting nearby. After the two girls meet they sit by the sea talking.

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Views: 53

An interactive symbolic work consisting of a wire brain construction is presented. 

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Views: 626

The fulfillment of a last wish leads Filippo to a retrospection from the mountains of Epirus to the recent past of the year 1945. His meeting with his history revives the memory of a whole village, unfolding the relations and the bonding of two peoples against the commands of an era, which is not as far as we think.

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Views: 859

Aynadamar: An important place as far back as when the Arabs were in the area. The whole region of Andalusia was supplied with water through that spring, reaching as far as Madrid. Several years later, the poet and playwright Federico Garcia Lorca is taken there to be executed. His work in turn supplied the whole Spain and spread to the rest of the world. The documentary intertwines significant events of his life with dramatised excerpts from his work, aiming at achieving Duende (as Lorca used to say), the quintessence of all things.

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