Lying upon a Rock

Views: 695

A documentary about Lazaretto, the desert islet near the city of Corfu that functioned for centuries as a quarantine station as well as a place of execution for political prisoners during the Greek Civil War. The identity of the place is approached through fragmentary testimonies and original sources.

Spyros Kavvadias, Dimitris Gkrintzos, Andreas Vouliakis, Margarita Chalakatevaki

ΟBLIVION: A Rotoscoping Videoclip
Sosanna Natalia Tsaousi
ΟBLIVION: A Rotoscoping Videoclip
Natural Perversion
Luc Messinezis
Natural Perversion
Aristomenis Chatzipapas
Alice Lagkadianou
Voices in our heads
Valassia Dodoulou
Voices in our heads
In between moments
Sofia Androutsopoulou
In between moments
The metaphor to the coexistence of real and digital space
Evgenia Faliaridou
The metaphor to the coexistence of real and digital space
Inner Journey
Eleni Mitrouska
Inner Journey
Riot - Strike - Riot
Giorgos Gargalas
Riot - Strike - Riot
Fear - Hope
Outsika Chrysavgi
Fear - Hope
ΟBLIVION: A Rotoscoping Videoclip
Views: 784

This thesis is about the production, direction and animation οf a contemporary dance music video lasting four (4) minutes. Its title is "OBLIVION: Music video using the Rotoscoping technique". Its subject is the loss of a great summer love and the pain that comes when this love is over. Its goal for all of its elements be to harmoniously joined together i. e. the dance, the surroundings, the colors, the music and the animation so as to make the viewer feel nostalgic and melancholic.

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Natural Perversion
Views: 627

In the realm of acoustic hyper-reality we meet aural simulacra of the order of maleficence. These are signals that mask and denature a profound acoustic reality. They are referential and representational, but in a way that they dissimulate reality and become its twisted Doppelgängers. Simulacra of the order of maleficence are perversions of reality. With the sound artwork ‘Natural Perversion’ Through a set of sonic processes the artist delves into autogenerative, autopoietic, responsive and biomimetic modes of creation exploring how the original naturally produced audio signal can be transformed into a sonic caricature and depending on the way it balances between its signifier and its signified aspect, it may re-interpret naturally produced concrete audible events into a musical language which serves both the acousmatic and the non-cochlear approaches to contemporary sound art.

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Views: 98

Social sensitization animation project on road safety. It emphasizes the use of a safety helmet when driving a motorcycle.

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Views: 871

A short documentary-portrait, introducing the acclaimed oboist, Isidora Kopsida.

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Voices in our heads
Views: 162

Α video art piece with performance and art installation elements in public space.

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In between moments
Views: 83

Moments that meet and compose new ones through clips of a few seconds. Their common point is the associative thinking during their creation and the sense of the surrealistic-dreamlike mood.

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The metaphor to the coexistence of real and digital space
Views: 901

The video is a documentation of a spatial installation with a dual role, through viewing / observation and participation. The investigation of the relationship that develops between digital and real space, acting in it, as the main axis of the narrative, the human being is the framework of the research with object of study the concept of metaphor to the coexistence of experience as a narrative and of the experience of the present as a fact of performance. The real environment through recording projected into an analog painting and transferred to a digital environment (images-video- video projection) connecting the real, the digital and painting form. Respectively, the natural environment of the installation transferred to the projection surface, in a digital space, via the camera and projector.

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Riot - Strike - Riot
Views: 593

This is the first video of my audiovisual installation entitled "Riot Strike Riot". The audiovisual installation entitled "Riot Strike Riot" is based on the political repression and social disorders of recent years with a focus on Greece, but also with influences from abroad. The installation has presented from a subjective point of view, the socio-political image of today through audiovisual digital media, interactive systems, and objects.

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Fear - Hope
Views: 672

Presentation of 3d projection mapping, on Church of Panagia ton Xenon, Kyra - Faneromeni (Old Town, Corfu, Greece), October 2, 2020 at 10:00.

In the dissertation, following the strategy of deliberate ambiguity and crossing different eras, we go through a path of images and information, which express hope and fear in various fields and they characterize every culture and every society.

At the same time, moving from formalism to realism, it emerges that the Aristotelian definition of the representational unity of space-time-action is no longer valid in art. Undoubtedly, the formalist movement has shown that planes are understood not only as sequences of logical units, but also as theoretical or ideological conceptions, where their connection is not legitimized on the basis of the principle of space-time unit, but by some abstract theoretical model, such as is the model of metaphor, the path through contradictions, symbolism and anything else that enhances the removal of the theoretical model. But also internal realism, which is not a theory of truth, highlights the convergence of two seemingly incompatible ideas.

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