"Dissloving" is about an interactive audiovisual installation in progress, part of the thematic titled "Memory Void," assigned to us during the "Interactive Environments - Installations" Module. The project focuses on the experience where memories intertwine and ultimately fade away, such as short-term memories in the case of Alzheimer's disease or older traumatic or non-traumatic memories that transform, distort, and eventually disappear. The main function of the project relies on the property of light particles (photons) to carry and contain memory, which is then imprinted on a medium through the process/technique used in developing photographic film. In this project, implemented in a dark room, a projector displays photographs onto a photosensitive/phosphorescent surface. During the exhibition, there will be a user (myself) who will greet and capture web camera photographs of any visitor who wishes. Then these photographs will be stored and automatically displayed on the surface as a collection in a continuous, through the projector. The duration of each projected photograph will be 10 seconds, allowing time for the light to be absorbed by the surface. Consequently, each subsequent photograph will blend with the next creating new patterns and distorted images. Then there will be a scheduled break of about 5 minutes in the projections so that we can observe how this imprint of the photographs fades over time, as the phosphorescent paint loses its intensity over the hour. Then the projection of the photographs will be reactivated. Alongside the visual aspect of the project, the sound part will also evolve, where each time the projection of the photographs stops and we observe the fading, the sound will change, consisting of two parts of an Evangelos' original synthesis that mix with each other respectively . The project is entirely set up in TouchDesigner.