Natural Perversion

Views: 625

In the realm of acoustic hyper-reality we meet aural simulacra of the order of maleficence. These are signals that mask and denature a profound acoustic reality. They are referential and representational, but in a way that they dissimulate reality and become its twisted Doppelgängers. Simulacra of the order of maleficence are perversions of reality. With the sound artwork ‘Natural Perversion’ Through a set of sonic processes the artist delves into autogenerative, autopoietic, responsive and biomimetic modes of creation exploring how the original naturally produced audio signal can be transformed into a sonic caricature and depending on the way it balances between its signifier and its signified aspect, it may re-interpret naturally produced concrete audible events into a musical language which serves both the acousmatic and the non-cochlear approaches to contemporary sound art.

Bread And A Blanket
Dimitris Gkrintzos
Bread And A Blanket
In between moments
Sofia Androutsopoulou
In between moments
A Quest For Eternity
A Quest For Eternity
Ioanna Mazi
Margarita Chalakatevaki
Me, herself & ai
Marinos Pavlidis
Me, herself & ai
The portrait of my mother
Xanthos Tsafalopoulos
The portrait of my mother
Vasilis Alexandrou
Filter Bubbles
Filter Bubbles
Bread And A Blanket
Views: 674

It’s Monday, the 13th of December 1943, the small town of Kalavryta is set on fire by the occupation army of Nazi Germany while the entire male population is being gathered on a nearby hill and shot dead. This war crime will go down in history, along with the massacre of Acqui Division, as the largest mass killing in Greece during WWII. Three men who witnessed these events as kids, locked up with the rest women, children and elderly people in Kalavryta’s primary school, recall this traumatic experience.

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In between moments
Views: 83

Moments that meet and compose new ones through clips of a few seconds. Their common point is the associative thinking during their creation and the sense of the surrealistic-dreamlike mood.

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A Quest For Eternity
Views: 702

The research documentary A Quest for Eternity (2020) focuses in four different elements of Angelopoulos’s style and provides new information using and analysing the data from semi-structured interviews. This research documentary is part of Dr. Iakovos Panagopoulos practice based Phd research in the University of Central Lancashire with the title: “Reshaping Contemporary Greek Cinema Through a Re-evaluation of the Historical and Political Perspective of Theo Angelopoulos's Work”(Panagopoulos, 2019).

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Views: 69

Α work based on the rules of kinetic poetry and explores the relationship between Space and Self. The Space defined by our Self [Ego] is malleable, it changes and interacts with the Space of Others. Physical and non-physical, the Space covered by the Ego is hetero-determined and constantly changing in eternity.

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Views: 860

Aynadamar: An important place as far back as when the Arabs were in the area. The whole region of Andalusia was supplied with water through that spring, reaching as far as Madrid. Several years later, the poet and playwright Federico Garcia Lorca is taken there to be executed. His work in turn supplied the whole Spain and spread to the rest of the world. The documentary intertwines significant events of his life with dramatised excerpts from his work, aiming at achieving Duende (as Lorca used to say), the quintessence of all things.

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Me, herself & ai
Views: 136

Mirror project that interacts with "Me myself & ai" by Sofi Moutafi. The creation of this work results from the collaboration of man and machine, which places it at the intersection of these two great sets.

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The portrait of my mother
Views: 682

A day in my mother's life. The documentary shows her daily routine, something that I personally find very interesting as I believe that the true self of a person lies in the "insignificant".

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Views: 718

BRAINRINTH is a multi-channel video installation. The work attempts – through technology – to approach brain-related functions of memory, drawing on material from personal experience of the body in crisis. The title BRAINRINTH –from the words Brain and Labyrinth – is a play on the intractable riddle of an archetypal Greek structure (the labyrinth) and the labyrinthine processes of the human brain. The BRAINRINTH installation seeks a poetic mapping of the human brain.
Due to the shock of trauma, our understanding of the functioning of the body, and of nature itself –which we are trying to dominate – seems desperate and full of anxiety. Taking this into account, if we adopt a position in which we keep a distance of aesthetic neutrality, perhaps this reality begins to look less frightening.

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Views: 652

This artwork consists of multiple videos of scrolls down found in well-known social media, which were taken by smart phone and are displayed in a horizontal layout and continuous flow. On a second reading and as the viewer moves away from the individual information, he or she realizes that the Greek flag is formed in the video. The artwork seeks to ask questions about the ever-increasing use and abuse of social media in Greek everyday life. Being sometimes means of communication and information and sometimes tools of manipulation, social media make people concern and strongly influence society in its entirety, while the posts of their multiple users are now an integral part of our modern (digital) public space.

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Filter Bubbles
Views: 91

The AVARTS team's project "Filter Bubbles" aims to raise critical reflection on the extent of the responsibility attributed to algorithms and technology for the formation of these "isolation bubbles". Furthermore, through the artistic process, it aims to weaken the positive feedback loops that gigantize imperfect information, foster fear and undermine creativity.

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