The metaphor to the coexistence of real and digital space

Views: 751

The video is a documentation of a spatial installation with a dual role, through viewing / observation and participation. The investigation of the relationship that develops between digital and real space, acting in it, as the main axis of the narrative, the human being is the framework of the research with object of study the concept of metaphor to the coexistence of experience as a narrative and of the experience of the present as a fact of performance. The real environment through recording projected into an analog painting and transferred to a digital environment (images-video- video projection) connecting the real, the digital and painting form. Respectively, the natural environment of the installation transferred to the projection surface, in a digital space, via the camera and projector.

"200 years since the Revolution of 1821 and the role of Corfu"
Nikolaos Korakianitis
"200 years since the Revolution of 1821 and the role of Corfu"
Amateur actor
Lefteris Keteoglou
Amateur actor
State Of Affairs
Nichoalos Κarnampatides
State Of Affairs
At some point it will overflow
Joanna Poupaki
At some point it will overflow
Bouquets: Artifact Conglomerations
Bouquets: Artifact Conglomerations
INRIRI - Interactive Audiovisual Theatrical Performance
Sofi Moutafi
INRIRI - Interactive Audiovisual Theatrical Performance
Marilu Theologiti
Sound Art
Sound Art
Me, myself & ai
Sofi Moutafi
Me, myself & ai
"200 years since the Revolution of 1821 and the role of Corfu"
Views: 676

The present postgraduate thesis was prepared in the context of the completion of the postgraduate program of the Department of Sound and Visual Arts of the Ionian University.
The study of the subject will be the facts and data on the occasion of the completion of 200 years since the Greek Revolution.
The present work aims to enrich the theoretical framework of study. Its structure is based on data that I have collected (rare photographic material, letters, etc.), from the Public Archives of the State, the Kapodistrias Museum and the Reading Company.

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Amateur actor
Views: 835

A professional electrician works in the villa of the rich professional actor. The electrician is also an amateur theater actor. The love of the amateur actor seems to be greater than the famous actor. The famous actor tries to make money but the amateur tries to do what he loves.

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State Of Affairs
Views: 761

When the observer is standing in front of a work of art and is trying to comprehend it, they are consciously entering a recognition process. This is achieved because the brain recognizes the relationship between some shapes or colors in the piece of art and, automatically, recalls them from memory. This procedure creates the necessary conditions for the creation of new neural synapses. Using these facts?, the artist suggests an audiovisual performance that includes an interference of audio to the visual aspect? in real time.

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At some point it will overflow
Views: 17

Α thought upon all the things we don't listen to, until we can't but listen. Αη animation featuring a creature balancing over the words that are haunting her.

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Bouquets: Artifact Conglomerations
Views: 16

The project composes a series of random artifacts relating to art and design history, used either ας decorative or utilitarian artifacts, turning them into a non-definitive object [bouquet] floating in space.

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INRIRI - Interactive Audiovisual Theatrical Performance
Views: 658

Myths are living stories that grow with time, change, adapt, but continue being a source for research, inspiration and creativity. The interactive audiovisual theatrical performance INRIRI questions the adaptation of an archetypal myth at a time of many dimensions and levels with elements from physical theater and embedded interactive technology in the performing space. Parts of the story are a Caribbean myth which transforms the body, a woodpecker and some new experimental technologies. On stage two bodies try to communicate with themselves and the environment around them and to discover anew what a body can be, what the relation and connection with the other body and which are the influences of the surrounding space on them.

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Views: 765

The compositional method is based on the incorporation of sound material of cultural background into an electroacoustic piece. By drawing a linear narration, my aim was to demonstrate a unity, an imaginary community, which characterizes the Romani culture, despite the hybridic, complicated and diverse traditions deriving from the various European and Asian countries its people live in. A central question behind the making of this piece is what kind of role can a civilization have today, when the concept of space is eliminated by time- a key element in the dynamics of capitalism. What are the cultural consequences of the so-called annihilation of time and space, as materialized and tangible dimensions of social life? Are historical tradition and the search for roots promoted and reorganized as simulacra, imitations or/and museum culture, thourgh the demonstration of a partly deceptive past?

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Views: 581

The fulfillment of a last wish leads Filippo to a retrospection from the mountains of Epirus to the recent past of the year 1945. His meeting with his history revives the memory of a whole village, unfolding the relations and the bonding of two peoples against the commands of an era, which is not as far as we think.

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Me, myself & ai
Views: 17

Α creative dynamic dialogue with artificial intelligence (ai). The cursor is about to press "generate". Analyzing.

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