Τοο close too far

Views: 10
Two beings the one next to the other, two neighbors that their doors 100k at each other, two singles that could be together, two random individuals that their paths cross. Or not.

Konstantina Kaika
Bouquets: Artifact Conglomerations
Bouquets: Artifact Conglomerations
Demetris: A Visual Artist
Eleftheria Kiratzidou
Demetris: A Visual Artist
Katerina Zachariadi
The failure of rationalization
Agatha Mingou
The failure of rationalization
Christina Kalantzi
Filter Bubbles
Filter Bubbles
Changing room
Nektarios Pachiadakis
Changing room
Giorgos Polymeropoulos
Amateur actor
Lefteris Keteoglou
Amateur actor
Views: 13

The atmosphere of the space and the emotional charge are the dominant points in the work. The windows ας protagonists have a dual meaning. Internet windows - tabs ας a means of socialization and communication, a substitute for a life.

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Bouquets: Artifact Conglomerations
Views: 16

The project composes a series of random artifacts relating to art and design history, used either ας decorative or utilitarian artifacts, turning them into a non-definitive object [bouquet] floating in space.

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Demetris: A Visual Artist
Views: 713

The cinematic portrait of a visual artist, Demetris Papazachos, a senior student of the Fine Arts School in Thessaloniki, is about featuring an artist without just showing his artwork but emphasizing at his personality and his artistic thinking instead. Through his internal journey, gay culture elements are projected while an interesting question is raised: Who is "A Visual Artist" at last?

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The failure of rationalization
Views: 15

This art piece is trying to express the struggle between letting go ας one would use nature for meditative reasons and the over controlling mind fixating on patterns deriving from sea foam lines.

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Views: 881

Phoenix is the rebirth of the refugees. It is what was left of the big fire in the Moria's camp.

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Filter Bubbles
Views: 27

The AVARTS team's project "Filter Bubbles" aims to raise critical reflection on the extent of the responsibility attributed to algorithms and technology for the formation of these "isolation bubbles". Furthermore, through the artistic process, it aims to weaken the positive feedback loops that gigantize imperfect information, foster fear and undermine creativity.

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Changing room
Views: 7

A place of relative isolation and no influence from the outside environment. Black cloth with a small opening that the viewer enters wearing headphones and playing a soundscape I created on a magnifying glass. 

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Views: 10

The ATHENDS project is an interactive installation whose purpose is to comment on the Greek media and how it fulfills its purpose based on the violent and unfiltered transmission of information.

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Amateur actor
Views: 835

A professional electrician works in the villa of the rich professional actor. The electrician is also an amateur theater actor. The love of the amateur actor seems to be greater than the famous actor. The famous actor tries to make money but the amateur tries to do what he loves.

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