Voices in our heads

Views: 22

Α video art piece with performance and art installation elements in public space. The need for extroversion of artistic creation intuitively led to an action with a participatory character. The world of the "inside" meets with that of the "outside", while the voices being heard ας a chaotic inner dialogue, become flesh and bone through human form sculptures.

Electroakoustic Music and Painting based on Vincent's Van Gogh Starry Night
Μaria Stella Lemoni Theodorou
Electroakoustic Music and Painting based on Vincent's Van Gogh Starry Night
Quarantine Self Portait
Quarantine Self Portait
Safe Travel
Safe Travel
Konstantia Makri
7500+1 sculptures
7500+1 sculptures
Marilu Theologiti
Changing room
Nektarios Pachiadakis
Changing room
Giorgos Polymeropoulos
Private - Public
Dimitra Politi
Private - Public
Fear - Hope
Outsika Chrysavgi
Fear - Hope
Electroakoustic Music and Painting based on Vincent's Van Gogh Starry Night
Views: 891

As Vincent van Gogh's "Starry Night" is one of my favorite paintings, I created an acoustic composition with the main goal of creating an atmosphere with a freer and more abstract approach. The small touches, the colors, the swirling flow, the natural landscape of the painting and the psychosynthesis of the artist are captured. The piece in combination with two images consists of three parts. In the first part, the night landscape is presented, in the second the intense emotions of the artist and in the third the nature with its power that calms the human soul.

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Quarantine Self Portait
Views: 572

The quarantine's experience time has functioned as a humanized time. Its previous social barbarity was imprisoned in the familiar cage of my soul and became my creation time. Each day was my friend, an eternal circular and dynamic present, a consciousness without conflicts. It was like an eternity that is experienced differently every moment. An unprecedented form of stillness gripped me and perpetuated in many abstract fragments which finally formed the new texture of my existence, in this peculiar isolation. I became from the carcass of time I was before, its qualitative disintegration… Reality was distorted and experienced illusively. The time from the alienation that was before, was transformed and became the cover for the scratched truth of myself. This kind of time my conscience had dreamed to live.

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Views: 8

The Wroom, is a movie that start with two red iron cars, a 1953 Chevrolet 1100 & a 1954 Magirus Deutz small fire engine, spilling out of a race of skills, flips and drifts at speed in the dining room of their home. In a brightly room, in a world where imagination knows no bounds.

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7500+1 sculptures
Views: 11

The Video installation in the exhibition emphasizes and at the same time negates the temporality of a medium whose dominant form of expression is space.

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Views: 765

The compositional method is based on the incorporation of sound material of cultural background into an electroacoustic piece. By drawing a linear narration, my aim was to demonstrate a unity, an imaginary community, which characterizes the Romani culture, despite the hybridic, complicated and diverse traditions deriving from the various European and Asian countries its people live in. A central question behind the making of this piece is what kind of role can a civilization have today, when the concept of space is eliminated by time- a key element in the dynamics of capitalism. What are the cultural consequences of the so-called annihilation of time and space, as materialized and tangible dimensions of social life? Are historical tradition and the search for roots promoted and reorganized as simulacra, imitations or/and museum culture, thourgh the demonstration of a partly deceptive past?

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Changing room
Views: 7

A place of relative isolation and no influence from the outside environment. Black cloth with a small opening that the viewer enters wearing headphones and playing a soundscape I created on a magnifying glass. 

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Views: 10

The ATHENDS project is an interactive installation whose purpose is to comment on the Greek media and how it fulfills its purpose based on the violent and unfiltered transmission of information.

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Private - Public
Views: 16

This changing frame represents an allegorical image of human nature, which when it is in dialectic with the outside world - during the transition from private to public life, experiences conflicting feelings of apprehension, anticipation, reticence, curiosity and extroversion.

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Fear - Hope
Views: 630

Presentation of 3d projection mapping, on Church of Panagia ton Xenon, Kyra - Faneromeni (Old Town, Corfu, Greece), October 2, 2020 at 10:00.

In the dissertation, following the strategy of deliberate ambiguity and crossing different eras, we go through a path of images and information, which express hope and fear in various fields and they characterize every culture and every society.

At the same time, moving from formalism to realism, it emerges that the Aristotelian definition of the representational unity of space-time-action is no longer valid in art. Undoubtedly, the formalist movement has shown that planes are understood not only as sequences of logical units, but also as theoretical or ideological conceptions, where their connection is not legitimized on the basis of the principle of space-time unit, but by some abstract theoretical model, such as is the model of metaphor, the path through contradictions, symbolism and anything else that enhances the removal of the theoretical model. But also internal realism, which is not a theory of truth, highlights the convergence of two seemingly incompatible ideas.

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