Voices in our heads

Views: 159

Α video art piece with performance and art installation elements in public space. The need for extroversion of artistic creation intuitively led to an action with a participatory character. The world of the "inside" meets with that of the "outside", while the voices being heard ας a chaotic inner dialogue, become flesh and bone through human form sculptures.

Marina Kappou
Konstantia Makri
The chained elephant
Alkistis Papa
The chained elephant
The Room
The Room
In between moments
Sofia Androutsopoulou
In between moments
Filter Bubbles
Filter Bubbles
"200 years since the Revolution of 1821 and the role of Corfu"
Nikolaos Korakianitis
"200 years since the Revolution of 1821 and the role of Corfu"
At some point it will overflow
Joanna Poupaki
At some point it will overflow
Katerina Zachariadi
Views: 78

documentary - Narrated by Christina Koblitsi

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Views: 53

The Wroom, is a movie that start with two red iron cars, a 1953 Chevrolet 1100 & a 1954 Magirus Deutz small fire engine, spilling out of a race of skills, flips and drifts at speed in the dining room of their home. In a brightly room, in a world where imagination knows no bounds.

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The chained elephant
Views: 812

The project is the animation of the fairy tale "The chained elephant". "The Chained Elephant" is one of the stories of psychiatrist Jorge Bukay from his book "Let me tell you a story" which he tells to his client. It refers to a child' s question who notices that a huge circus elephant remains tied to a small stick without trying to free itself and without protesting. The circus elephant remained tied to his tiny stick because "the memory of the weakness he felt shortly after his birth is etched in his memory."

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The Room
Views: 799

Where do memories go when they are lost? Are they still where we left them, if we don’t recall them? In this room, as private and irrevocable as our memory, objects animate a series of scenarios. A memory floods the room, another struggles to disclose itself, another one leaks back and forth in time. The idea of the ‘other’ hovers between what has already passed and what is reminisced every time. We never recollect events and spaces as such. We always enliven recollections in our own way. Through constant evocations that seek to perpetuate the existence of the ‘room’, memories converse with space and time, as well as with a part of ourselves. Either as past, forgetfulness or loss, they always contain something that is already gone.

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In between moments
Views: 83

Moments that meet and compose new ones through clips of a few seconds. Their common point is the associative thinking during their creation and the sense of the surrealistic-dreamlike mood.

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Filter Bubbles
Views: 91

The AVARTS team's project "Filter Bubbles" aims to raise critical reflection on the extent of the responsibility attributed to algorithms and technology for the formation of these "isolation bubbles". Furthermore, through the artistic process, it aims to weaken the positive feedback loops that gigantize imperfect information, foster fear and undermine creativity.

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Views: 626

The fulfillment of a last wish leads Filippo to a retrospection from the mountains of Epirus to the recent past of the year 1945. His meeting with his history revives the memory of a whole village, unfolding the relations and the bonding of two peoples against the commands of an era, which is not as far as we think.

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"200 years since the Revolution of 1821 and the role of Corfu"
Views: 796

The present postgraduate thesis was prepared in the context of the completion of the postgraduate program of the Department of Sound and Visual Arts of the Ionian University.
The study of the subject will be the facts and data on the occasion of the completion of 200 years since the Greek Revolution.
The present work aims to enrich the theoretical framework of study. Its structure is based on data that I have collected (rare photographic material, letters, etc.), from the Public Archives of the State, the Kapodistrias Museum and the Reading Company.

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At some point it will overflow
Views: 118

Α thought upon all the things we don't listen to, until we can't but listen. Αη animation featuring a creature balancing over the words that are haunting her.

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