Sound Art

Views: 44

Sound installation.

Margarita Chalakatevaki
Marina Kappou
Filter Bubbles
Filter Bubbles
Me, herself & ai
Marinos Pavlidis
Me, herself & ai
devout Iongings
devout Iongings
Lampros Marios Pavlakis
The metaphor to the coexistence of real and digital space
Evgenia Faliaridou
The metaphor to the coexistence of real and digital space
Inside the body
Eleni Mitrouska
Inside the body
Yorgos Psailas - A portrait of the British Cemetery caretaker
Spyros Christoforatos
Yorgos Psailas - A portrait of the British Cemetery caretaker
Inner Journey
Eleni Mitrouska
Inner Journey
Views: 859

Aynadamar: An important place as far back as when the Arabs were in the area. The whole region of Andalusia was supplied with water through that spring, reaching as far as Madrid. Several years later, the poet and playwright Federico Garcia Lorca is taken there to be executed. His work in turn supplied the whole Spain and spread to the rest of the world. The documentary intertwines significant events of his life with dramatised excerpts from his work, aiming at achieving Duende (as Lorca used to say), the quintessence of all things.

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Views: 78

documentary - Narrated by Christina Koblitsi

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Filter Bubbles
Views: 91

The AVARTS team's project "Filter Bubbles" aims to raise critical reflection on the extent of the responsibility attributed to algorithms and technology for the formation of these "isolation bubbles". Furthermore, through the artistic process, it aims to weaken the positive feedback loops that gigantize imperfect information, foster fear and undermine creativity.

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Me, herself & ai
Views: 135

Mirror project that interacts with "Me myself & ai" by Sofi Moutafi. The creation of this work results from the collaboration of man and machine, which places it at the intersection of these two great sets.

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devout Iongings
Views: 68

This is a Iove story between a female statue and a man. It is about the pious desires of people ας they apply them to the interpersonal relationships they develop.

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Views: 57

It is an Interactive Installation that deals with the issues of immigration, wars and surveillance of citizens on a global scale.

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The metaphor to the coexistence of real and digital space
Views: 898

The video is a documentation of a spatial installation with a dual role, through viewing / observation and participation. The investigation of the relationship that develops between digital and real space, acting in it, as the main axis of the narrative, the human being is the framework of the research with object of study the concept of metaphor to the coexistence of experience as a narrative and of the experience of the present as a fact of performance. The real environment through recording projected into an analog painting and transferred to a digital environment (images-video- video projection) connecting the real, the digital and painting form. Respectively, the natural environment of the installation transferred to the projection surface, in a digital space, via the camera and projector.

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Inside the body
Views: 68

Every expression of the subject is inherent in the body image, indicating the lack of being, which desire tries to cover.

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Yorgos Psailas - A portrait of the British Cemetery caretaker
Views: 767

A short documentary, based on the theory of Observational Cinema. It is the portrait of the caretaker of the British Cemetery in the island of Corfu, Greece, Mr. Yorgos Psailas. The documentary deals with his daily life in the cemetery. Mr. Psailas also recounts the most important moments of his life as well as his thoughts about life and death.

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