Binary Stitches

Views: 66

Project in the context of the course "Interactive Environments - Installations"

"Binary Stitches" is a captivating exploration of the intersection between tradition and technology. Through the ancient craft of knitting, the artist creates a series of visually striking barcodes using the Code 39 system. As a whole the 22 knitted pieces becomes a unique representation of Malevich's quote, "With the most primitive means, the artist creates something which the most ingenious and efficient technology will never be able to create." By bridging the gap between traditional craft techniques and modern symbolic language, the artwork invites viewers to contemplate the timeless power of human creativity in the digital age.

Evangelos Aslanidis
Private - Public
Dimitra Politi
Private - Public
Something Goes
Georgia Skartadou
Something Goes
Audio Crossings
Konstantinos Tsioutas
Audio Crossings
Fani Kesidou
Me, myself & ai
Sofi Moutafi
Me, myself & ai
Where do I exist?
Sousana Romanidou
Where do I exist?
Giorgos Polymeropoulos
Lampros Marios Pavlakis
Filter Bubbles
Filter Bubbles
Views: 52

"Dissloving" is about an interactive audiovisual installation in progress, part of the thematic titled "Memory Void," assigned to us during the "Interactive Environments - Installations" Module. 

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Private - Public
Views: 101

This changing frame represents an allegorical image of human nature, which when it is in dialectic with the outside world - during the transition from private to public life, experiences conflicting feelings of apprehension, anticipation, reticence, curiosity and extroversion.

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Something Goes
Views: 847

The current project is a digital, interactive, audiovisual application that can be used either as a virtual installation accompanied by a simultaneous projection of its content in the physical space or be distributed as an executable digital medium on any computer, compatible with its technical specifications. It examines the flow of information, its creation, collection, storage, interpretation and utilization through perceptual mechanisms that mutate -enhance or degrade- with the available tools of digital reality and its transformation from a sequence of serial, adjacent and referential values to one unified context, what is usually interpreted as meaning or significance. The participants of this reality are called upon to engage at the degree of signification that expresses them better, ranging from a purely perceptual and empirical viewing to a frantic clarification of everything included.

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Audio Crossings
Views: 69

Multiple distance sensors trigger sound events ας people move around and get close to the grid with the srceens.

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Views: 54

An interactive symbolic work consisting of a wire brain construction is presented. 

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Me, myself & ai
Views: 75

Α creative dynamic dialogue with artificial intelligence (ai). The cursor is about to press "generate". Analyzing.

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Where do I exist?
Views: 920

The title of this artwork is "Where Do I Exist?". This is a virtual space that explores the relationship between reality and virtual reality. Moreover, it the result of a pandemic society that tends to communicate through social media. It is the impression of our lifes into a virtual world, free from our body and the stereotypes it might follows it. Could we be free from our body and ideas such as gender identity and death? What is the meaning of touch into an immaterial world? Anyone can be part of this artwork with a twitter hashtag of the word #immaterial.

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Views: 58

The ATHENDS project is an interactive installation whose purpose is to comment on the Greek media and how it fulfills its purpose based on the violent and unfiltered transmission of information.

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Views: 57

It is an Interactive Installation that deals with the issues of immigration, wars and surveillance of citizens on a global scale.

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Filter Bubbles
Views: 92

The AVARTS team's project "Filter Bubbles" aims to raise critical reflection on the extent of the responsibility attributed to algorithms and technology for the formation of these "isolation bubbles". Furthermore, through the artistic process, it aims to weaken the positive feedback loops that gigantize imperfect information, foster fear and undermine creativity.

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