The Last One Never Laughs

Views: 837

A journalist, who has lost his identity, visits an uncanny land, in which the smile is banned by law. He feels lost in its dystopia, consisted of self-destructive people, who deplore the smile. He gains many personal experiences that make him unaware of his aim and his human state as well. Will he eventually be able to find a way out?

Stratis Alvanos, Theodosis Giannoulis, Emmanouil Kouphakes, Ioanna-Anastasia Fakinou, Dimitris Liapis, Mary Apostolidou, Christos Giannoulis, Diana Cherkasova

Konstantina Kaika
At some point it will overflow
Joanna Poupaki
At some point it will overflow
Fani Arapi
Markella Floka
Portrait of a Musician - The digital sound of an orchestral instrument
Alexandros Kaminaris
Portrait of a Musician - The digital sound of an orchestral instrument
Laura Konti
Filitsa Gougoudi
Amateur actor
Lefteris Keteoglou
Amateur actor
7500+1 sculptures
7500+1 sculptures
Riot - Strike - Riot
Giorgos Gargalas
Riot - Strike - Riot
Views: 13

The atmosphere of the space and the emotional charge are the dominant points in the work. The windows ας protagonists have a dual meaning. Internet windows - tabs ας a means of socialization and communication, a substitute for a life.

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At some point it will overflow
Views: 18

Α thought upon all the things we don't listen to, until we can't but listen. Αη animation featuring a creature balancing over the words that are haunting her.

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Views: 16

The performance Finem deals with app[ause ας a transformative act. The aim of the action is to deconstruct applause ας a social expression of admiration and recognition.

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Views: 543

This video was created as part of the work for the art class of technical images. It was named lock down as it takes place during the second quarantine and shows two parallel lives of people and how each of them experiences their confinement. The idea, the shots and the editing are by Markella Floka and the music was entirely edited by Dimitris Pantelis.

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Portrait of a Musician - The digital sound of an orchestral instrument
Views: 555

This documentary deals with the relationship that can be developed between two different types of music (Classical and Electronic), shaping also the portrait of a professional Musician and Viola teacher at the Athens School of Music.

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Views: 787

Blah as an artwork that interacts with the phenomenon of the speaking subject. The artwork responds to the human voice with air, and the intensity of the air is proportional to the volume of the voice.

Borrowing immersive practices from physical theater and the Black Box framework, the project seeks to create a liberating condition where visitors have the opportunity to experiment with their voice outside the system of organized language.

Blah is the artistic part of my master thesis on the problematic behind the three dimensions of organized language: communication-expression-meaning.


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Views: 479

Elpiniki and her deep passion for flute and singing.

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Amateur actor
Views: 835

A professional electrician works in the villa of the rich professional actor. The electrician is also an amateur theater actor. The love of the amateur actor seems to be greater than the famous actor. The famous actor tries to make money but the amateur tries to do what he loves.

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7500+1 sculptures
Views: 12

The Video installation in the exhibition emphasizes and at the same time negates the temporality of a medium whose dominant form of expression is space.

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Riot - Strike - Riot
Views: 544

This is the first video of my audiovisual installation entitled "Riot Strike Riot". The audiovisual installation entitled "Riot Strike Riot" is based on the political repression and social disorders of recent years with a focus on Greece, but also with influences from abroad. The installation has presented from a subjective point of view, the socio-political image of today through audiovisual digital media, interactive systems, and objects.

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