
Views: 726

The subject of Charis Myrsilidi’s thesis concerns the transfer of literary text to image. The excerpts of the selected texts are stories from the Grimm brothers' fairy tales and the connecting link is the pattern of transformation (metamorphosis). The presentation of the practical part of the thesis concerns an installation with clay sculptures, sound track and lighting. The sculptural space is formed by Charis Myrsilidi, a student of the Department of Audio Visual Arts and the sound by the composer Ioannis Konsolakis.

Charis Myrsilidi (installation-sculptural place) Ioannis Konsolakis (sound composition)

Anastasia Manou Live AV Performance
Anastasia Manou
Anastasia Manou Live AV Performance
Demetris: A Visual Artist
Eleftheria Kiratzidou
Demetris: A Visual Artist
Voices in our heads
Valassia Dodoulou
Voices in our heads
Yorgos Psailas - A portrait of the British Cemetery caretaker
Spyros Christoforatos
Yorgos Psailas - A portrait of the British Cemetery caretaker
State Of Affairs
Nichoalos Κarnampatides
State Of Affairs
Fani Arapi
At some point it will overflow
Joanna Poupaki
At some point it will overflow
Inside the body
Eleni Mitrouska
Inside the body
Demetris: A Visual Artist
Views: 796

The cinematic portrait of a visual artist, Demetris Papazachos, a senior student of the Fine Arts School in Thessaloniki, is about featuring an artist without just showing his artwork but emphasizing at his personality and his artistic thinking instead. Through his internal journey, gay culture elements are projected while an interesting question is raised: Who is "A Visual Artist" at last?

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Voices in our heads
Views: 158

Α video art piece with performance and art installation elements in public space.

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Views: 603

In this video art work 39 persons of different ages are invited to sit in front of the same black door, talk about their favourite object and in what, by using this object, they could be transformed. In the final cut only the silent expressions are kept.

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Yorgos Psailas - A portrait of the British Cemetery caretaker
Views: 766

A short documentary, based on the theory of Observational Cinema. It is the portrait of the caretaker of the British Cemetery in the island of Corfu, Greece, Mr. Yorgos Psailas. The documentary deals with his daily life in the cemetery. Mr. Psailas also recounts the most important moments of his life as well as his thoughts about life and death.

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State Of Affairs
Views: 818

When the observer is standing in front of a work of art and is trying to comprehend it, they are consciously entering a recognition process. This is achieved because the brain recognizes the relationship between some shapes or colors in the piece of art and, automatically, recalls them from memory. This procedure creates the necessary conditions for the creation of new neural synapses. Using these facts?, the artist suggests an audiovisual performance that includes an interference of audio to the visual aspect? in real time.

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Views: 717

BRAINRINTH is a multi-channel video installation. The work attempts – through technology – to approach brain-related functions of memory, drawing on material from personal experience of the body in crisis. The title BRAINRINTH –from the words Brain and Labyrinth – is a play on the intractable riddle of an archetypal Greek structure (the labyrinth) and the labyrinthine processes of the human brain. The BRAINRINTH installation seeks a poetic mapping of the human brain.
Due to the shock of trauma, our understanding of the functioning of the body, and of nature itself –which we are trying to dominate – seems desperate and full of anxiety. Taking this into account, if we adopt a position in which we keep a distance of aesthetic neutrality, perhaps this reality begins to look less frightening.

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Views: 103

The performance Finem deals with app[ause ας a transformative act. The aim of the action is to deconstruct applause ας a social expression of admiration and recognition.

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At some point it will overflow
Views: 117

Α thought upon all the things we don't listen to, until we can't but listen. Αη animation featuring a creature balancing over the words that are haunting her.

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Inside the body
Views: 67

Every expression of the subject is inherent in the body image, indicating the lack of being, which desire tries to cover.

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