Audio Crossings

Views: 68

Interactive Audio Installation
Multiple distance sensors trigger sound events ας people move around and get close to the grid with the srceens. Specific spots in the surrounding space can cause crossings of the audio sources, either additive or subtractive, resulting in an either silent, noisy, subsonic or granular synthesis. People interact with the sonic environment by moving around causing random crossings and changing the audio behaviour of the space.

Excitatio Corcyrae : Player’s Guide
Despoina-Sofia Kyrgiafini
Excitatio Corcyrae : Player’s Guide
Laura Konti
7500+1 sculptures
7500+1 sculptures
ΟBLIVION: A Rotoscoping Videoclip
Sosanna Natalia Tsaousi
ΟBLIVION: A Rotoscoping Videoclip
Voices in our heads
Valassia Dodoulou
Voices in our heads
"200 years since the Revolution of 1821 and the role of Corfu"
Nikolaos Korakianitis
"200 years since the Revolution of 1821 and the role of Corfu"
INRIRI - Interactive Audiovisual Theatrical Performance
Sofi Moutafi
INRIRI - Interactive Audiovisual Theatrical Performance
Paralysis by Analysis
Evangelos Aslanidis
Paralysis by Analysis
Bread And A Blanket
Dimitris Gkrintzos
Bread And A Blanket
The metaphor to the coexistence of real and digital space
Evgenia Faliaridou
The metaphor to the coexistence of real and digital space
Views: 829

Blah as an artwork that interacts with the phenomenon of the speaking subject. The artwork responds to the human voice with air, and the intensity of the air is proportional to the volume of the voice.

Borrowing immersive practices from physical theater and the Black Box framework, the project seeks to create a liberating condition where visitors have the opportunity to experiment with their voice outside the system of organized language.

Blah is the artistic part of my master thesis on the problematic behind the three dimensions of organized language: communication-expression-meaning.


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7500+1 sculptures
Views: 90

The Video installation in the exhibition emphasizes and at the same time negates the temporality of a medium whose dominant form of expression is space.

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ΟBLIVION: A Rotoscoping Videoclip
Views: 780

This thesis is about the production, direction and animation οf a contemporary dance music video lasting four (4) minutes. Its title is "OBLIVION: Music video using the Rotoscoping technique". Its subject is the loss of a great summer love and the pain that comes when this love is over. Its goal for all of its elements be to harmoniously joined together i. e. the dance, the surroundings, the colors, the music and the animation so as to make the viewer feel nostalgic and melancholic.

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Voices in our heads
Views: 159

Α video art piece with performance and art installation elements in public space.

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"200 years since the Revolution of 1821 and the role of Corfu"
Views: 796

The present postgraduate thesis was prepared in the context of the completion of the postgraduate program of the Department of Sound and Visual Arts of the Ionian University.
The study of the subject will be the facts and data on the occasion of the completion of 200 years since the Greek Revolution.
The present work aims to enrich the theoretical framework of study. Its structure is based on data that I have collected (rare photographic material, letters, etc.), from the Public Archives of the State, the Kapodistrias Museum and the Reading Company.

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INRIRI - Interactive Audiovisual Theatrical Performance
Views: 709

Myths are living stories that grow with time, change, adapt, but continue being a source for research, inspiration and creativity. The interactive audiovisual theatrical performance INRIRI questions the adaptation of an archetypal myth at a time of many dimensions and levels with elements from physical theater and embedded interactive technology in the performing space. Parts of the story are a Caribbean myth which transforms the body, a woodpecker and some new experimental technologies. On stage two bodies try to communicate with themselves and the environment around them and to discover anew what a body can be, what the relation and connection with the other body and which are the influences of the surrounding space on them.

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Paralysis by Analysis
Views: 49

The audiovisual work "Paralysis by Analysis" presents a combined experience that unfolds in two chapters of two and three dimensions respectively.

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Bread And A Blanket
Views: 674

It’s Monday, the 13th of December 1943, the small town of Kalavryta is set on fire by the occupation army of Nazi Germany while the entire male population is being gathered on a nearby hill and shot dead. This war crime will go down in history, along with the massacre of Acqui Division, as the largest mass killing in Greece during WWII. Three men who witnessed these events as kids, locked up with the rest women, children and elderly people in Kalavryta’s primary school, recall this traumatic experience.

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The metaphor to the coexistence of real and digital space
Views: 898

The video is a documentation of a spatial installation with a dual role, through viewing / observation and participation. The investigation of the relationship that develops between digital and real space, acting in it, as the main axis of the narrative, the human being is the framework of the research with object of study the concept of metaphor to the coexistence of experience as a narrative and of the experience of the present as a fact of performance. The real environment through recording projected into an analog painting and transferred to a digital environment (images-video- video projection) connecting the real, the digital and painting form. Respectively, the natural environment of the installation transferred to the projection surface, in a digital space, via the camera and projector.

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