Where do I exist?

Views: 918

The title of this artwork is "Where Do I Exist?". This is a virtual space that explores the relationship between reality and virtual reality. Moreover, it the result of a pandemic society that tends to communicate through social media. It is the impression of our lifes into a virtual world, free from our body and the stereotypes it might follows it. Could we be free from our body and ideas such as gender identity and death? What is the meaning of touch into an immaterial world? Anyone can be part of this artwork with a twitter hashtag of the word #immaterial.

Sousana Romanidou , Konstantinos Tiligadis

Martha Gogakou
Yorgos Psailas - A portrait of the British Cemetery caretaker
Spyros Christoforatos
Yorgos Psailas - A portrait of the British Cemetery caretaker
Charis Myrsilidi
Changing room
Nektarios Pachiadakis
Changing room
Fani Kesidou
Ioanna Tzampa
Electroakoustic Music and Painting based on Vincent's Van Gogh Starry Night
Μaria Stella Lemoni Theodorou
Electroakoustic Music and Painting based on Vincent's Van Gogh Starry Night
Paralysis by Analysis
Evangelos Aslanidis
Paralysis by Analysis
The portrait of my mother
Xanthos Tsafalopoulos
The portrait of my mother
Margarita Chalakatevaki
Views: 784

"Dharmadhatu" is an experimental audiovisual video with linear narrative. It has been created with an original experimental technique, where each frame results from a live recording of the behavior of flowing colors on a painted surface.

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Yorgos Psailas - A portrait of the British Cemetery caretaker
Views: 768

A short documentary, based on the theory of Observational Cinema. It is the portrait of the caretaker of the British Cemetery in the island of Corfu, Greece, Mr. Yorgos Psailas. The documentary deals with his daily life in the cemetery. Mr. Psailas also recounts the most important moments of his life as well as his thoughts about life and death.

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Views: 727

The subject of Charis Myrsilidi’s thesis concerns the transfer of literary text to image. The excerpts of the selected texts are stories from the Grimm brothers' fairy tales and the connecting link is the pattern of transformation (metamorphosis). The presentation of the practical part of the thesis concerns an installation with clay sculptures, sound track and lighting. The sculptural space is formed by Charis Myrsilidi, a student of the Department of Audio Visual Arts and the sound by the composer Ioannis Konsolakis.

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Changing room
Views: 63

A place of relative isolation and no influence from the outside environment. Black cloth with a small opening that the viewer enters wearing headphones and playing a soundscape I created on a magnifying glass. 

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Views: 53

An interactive symbolic work consisting of a wire brain construction is presented. 

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Views: 73

Eterotopia. Place within a Place that violates real time.

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Electroakoustic Music and Painting based on Vincent's Van Gogh Starry Night
Views: 971

As Vincent van Gogh's "Starry Night" is one of my favorite paintings, I created an acoustic composition with the main goal of creating an atmosphere with a freer and more abstract approach. The small touches, the colors, the swirling flow, the natural landscape of the painting and the psychosynthesis of the artist are captured. The piece in combination with two images consists of three parts. In the first part, the night landscape is presented, in the second the intense emotions of the artist and in the third the nature with its power that calms the human soul.

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Paralysis by Analysis
Views: 49

The audiovisual work "Paralysis by Analysis" presents a combined experience that unfolds in two chapters of two and three dimensions respectively.

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The portrait of my mother
Views: 682

A day in my mother's life. The documentary shows her daily routine, something that I personally find very interesting as I believe that the true self of a person lies in the "insignificant".

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Views: 859

Aynadamar: An important place as far back as when the Arabs were in the area. The whole region of Andalusia was supplied with water through that spring, reaching as far as Madrid. Several years later, the poet and playwright Federico Garcia Lorca is taken there to be executed. His work in turn supplied the whole Spain and spread to the rest of the world. The documentary intertwines significant events of his life with dramatised excerpts from his work, aiming at achieving Duende (as Lorca used to say), the quintessence of all things.

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