Views: 829

Blah as an artwork that interacts with the phenomenon of the speaking subject. The artwork responds to the human voice with air, and the intensity of the air is proportional to the volume of the voice.

Borrowing immersive practices from physical theater and the Black Box framework, the project seeks to create a liberating condition where visitors have the opportunity to experiment with their voice outside the system of organized language.

Blah is the artistic part of my master thesis on the problematic behind the three dimensions of organized language: communication-expression-meaning.


Konstantina Kaika
Katerina Zachariadi
Marilu Theologiti
Marina Kappou
Excitatio Corcyrae : Player’s Guide
Despoina-Sofia Kyrgiafini
Excitatio Corcyrae : Player’s Guide
Filter Bubbles
Filter Bubbles
Natural Perversion
Luc Messinezis
Natural Perversion
"ano” + "throsko”
"ano” + "throsko”
Ioanna Mazi
Changing room
Nektarios Pachiadakis
Changing room
Views: 143

The atmosphere of the space and the emotional charge are the dominant points in the work. The windows ας protagonists have a dual meaning. Internet windows - tabs ας a means of socialization and communication, a substitute for a life.

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Views: 836

The compositional method is based on the incorporation of sound material of cultural background into an electroacoustic piece. By drawing a linear narration, my aim was to demonstrate a unity, an imaginary community, which characterizes the Romani culture, despite the hybridic, complicated and diverse traditions deriving from the various European and Asian countries its people live in. A central question behind the making of this piece is what kind of role can a civilization have today, when the concept of space is eliminated by time- a key element in the dynamics of capitalism. What are the cultural consequences of the so-called annihilation of time and space, as materialized and tangible dimensions of social life? Are historical tradition and the search for roots promoted and reorganized as simulacra, imitations or/and museum culture, thourgh the demonstration of a partly deceptive past?

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Views: 78

documentary - Narrated by Christina Koblitsi

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Filter Bubbles
Views: 91

The AVARTS team's project "Filter Bubbles" aims to raise critical reflection on the extent of the responsibility attributed to algorithms and technology for the formation of these "isolation bubbles". Furthermore, through the artistic process, it aims to weaken the positive feedback loops that gigantize imperfect information, foster fear and undermine creativity.

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Natural Perversion
Views: 625

In the realm of acoustic hyper-reality we meet aural simulacra of the order of maleficence. These are signals that mask and denature a profound acoustic reality. They are referential and representational, but in a way that they dissimulate reality and become its twisted Doppelgängers. Simulacra of the order of maleficence are perversions of reality. With the sound artwork ‘Natural Perversion’ Through a set of sonic processes the artist delves into autogenerative, autopoietic, responsive and biomimetic modes of creation exploring how the original naturally produced audio signal can be transformed into a sonic caricature and depending on the way it balances between its signifier and its signified aspect, it may re-interpret naturally produced concrete audible events into a musical language which serves both the acousmatic and the non-cochlear approaches to contemporary sound art.

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"ano” + "throsko”
Views: 111

It is a work of digital design in real time that in its evolution displays the Word human, relationship coupling, thoughts and feelings..

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Views: 69

Α work based on the rules of kinetic poetry and explores the relationship between Space and Self. The Space defined by our Self [Ego] is malleable, it changes and interacts with the Space of Others. Physical and non-physical, the Space covered by the Ego is hetero-determined and constantly changing in eternity.

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Changing room
Views: 63

A place of relative isolation and no influence from the outside environment. Black cloth with a small opening that the viewer enters wearing headphones and playing a soundscape I created on a magnifying glass. 

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