Hear the Shape-See the Sound

Views: 385

An experimental workshop was realized at the Corfu Archaeological Museum, on May 2019. The workshop was designed within the frames of interdisciplinary learning and participatory art, based on Maker culture and STEAM education, willing to highlight the importance of arts and technology in learning. The participants, children and adolescents 11 to 15 years old, were initially guided to an important archaic find at the Archaeological museum of Corfu, a pediment depicting ancient Greek goddess Artemis-Gorgo, and got acquainted with the myth surrounding it. In two groups the participants made
1. electronic circuits which produced sounds via photo resistor and conductive paint and
2. conductive drawings inspired by the archaic pediment imagery.
The two groups combined their work to create interactive installations were circuits and sensors were used to “read” the tonal variations and line elements of the pencil drawings. Documentation indicates the childrens’ immersion into the experience.

Gelina Palla, Maria Kriga, Archaeological Museum Corfu, Video documentation: Marinos Pavlidis

Lying upon a Rock
Lying upon a Rock
Bread And A Blanket
Bread And A Blanket
Where do I exist?
Where do I exist?
Demetris: A Visual Artist
Demetris: A Visual Artist
The portrait of my mother
The portrait of my mother
Excitatio Corcyrae : Player’s Guide
Excitatio Corcyrae : Player’s Guide
Lying upon a Rock
Views: 387

A documentary about Lazaretto, the desert islet near the city of Corfu that functioned for centuries as a quarantine station as well as a place of execution for political prisoners during the Greek Civil War. The identity of the place is approached through fragmentary testimonies and original sources.

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Bread And A Blanket
Views: 322

It’s Monday, the 13th of December 1943, the small town of Kalavryta is set on fire by the occupation army of Nazi Germany while the entire male population is being gathered on a nearby hill and shot dead. This war crime will go down in history, along with the massacre of Acqui Division, as the largest mass killing in Greece during WWII. Three men who witnessed these events as kids, locked up with the rest women, children and elderly people in Kalavryta’s primary school, recall this traumatic experience.

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Where do I exist?
Views: 486

The title of this artwork is "Where Do I Exist?". This is a virtual space that explores the relationship between reality and virtual reality. Moreover, it the result of a pandemic society that tends to communicate through social media. It is the impression of our lifes into a virtual world, free from our body and the stereotypes it might follows it. Could we be free from our body and ideas such as gender identity and death? What is the meaning of touch into an immaterial world? Anyone can be part of this artwork with a twitter hashtag of the word #immaterial.

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Views: 570

Phoenix is the rebirth of the refugees. It is what was left of the big fire in the Moria's camp.

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Views: 290

In this video art work 39 persons of different ages are invited to sit in front of the same black door, talk about their favourite object and in what, by using this object, they could be transformed. In the final cut only the silent expressions are kept.

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Demetris: A Visual Artist
Views: 373

The cinematic portrait of a visual artist, Demetris Papazachos, a senior student of the Fine Arts School in Thessaloniki, is about featuring an artist without just showing his artwork but emphasizing at his personality and his artistic thinking instead. Through his internal journey, gay culture elements are projected while an interesting question is raised: Who is "A Visual Artist" at last?

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The portrait of my mother
Views: 390

A day in my mother's life. The documentary shows her daily routine, something that I personally find very interesting as I believe that the true self of a person lies in the "insignificant".

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Views: 405

Aynadamar: An important place as far back as when the Arabs were in the area. The whole region of Andalusia was supplied with water through that spring, reaching as far as Madrid. Several years later, the poet and playwright Federico Garcia Lorca is taken there to be executed. His work in turn supplied the whole Spain and spread to the rest of the world. The documentary intertwines significant events of his life with dramatised excerpts from his work, aiming at achieving Duende (as Lorca used to say), the quintessence of all things.

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Views: 461

The short documentary focuses on the preparation of the solo performance "EVA", performed by the dancer and performer Evangelia Randou. The project is based on her personal experiences and has been created and staged by her. The film reveals the moments when the dancer works with her body, experiments, creates and improvises. The documentary is a portrait of the dancer herself, but also of the work she creates.

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