The failure of rationalization

Views: 97

This art piece is trying to express the struggle between letting go ας one would use nature for meditative reasons and the over controlling mind fixating on patterns deriving from sea foam lines. The sense of Ioss that follows the stagger of nature's majestic manifestation under the power of over analysis is a matter of perspective and internal conflict.

Vasilis Alexandrou
Safe Travel
Safe Travel
Quarantine Self Portait
Quarantine Self Portait
Laura Konti
The Last One Never Laughs
Stratis Alvanos
The Last One Never Laughs
Inside the body
Eleni Mitrouska
Inside the body
Marina Kappou
Demetris: A Visual Artist
Eleftheria Kiratzidou
Demetris: A Visual Artist
Aristomenis Chatzipapas
Bouquets: Artifact Conglomerations
Bouquets: Artifact Conglomerations
Views: 646

This artwork consists of multiple videos of scrolls down found in well-known social media, which were taken by smart phone and are displayed in a horizontal layout and continuous flow. On a second reading and as the viewer moves away from the individual information, he or she realizes that the Greek flag is formed in the video. The artwork seeks to ask questions about the ever-increasing use and abuse of social media in Greek everyday life. Being sometimes means of communication and information and sometimes tools of manipulation, social media make people concern and strongly influence society in its entirety, while the posts of their multiple users are now an integral part of our modern (digital) public space.

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Quarantine Self Portait
Views: 610

The quarantine's experience time has functioned as a humanized time. Its previous social barbarity was imprisoned in the familiar cage of my soul and became my creation time. Each day was my friend, an eternal circular and dynamic present, a consciousness without conflicts. It was like an eternity that is experienced differently every moment. An unprecedented form of stillness gripped me and perpetuated in many abstract fragments which finally formed the new texture of my existence, in this peculiar isolation. I became from the carcass of time I was before, its qualitative disintegration… Reality was distorted and experienced illusively. The time from the alienation that was before, was transformed and became the cover for the scratched truth of myself. This kind of time my conscience had dreamed to live.

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Views: 826

Blah as an artwork that interacts with the phenomenon of the speaking subject. The artwork responds to the human voice with air, and the intensity of the air is proportional to the volume of the voice.

Borrowing immersive practices from physical theater and the Black Box framework, the project seeks to create a liberating condition where visitors have the opportunity to experiment with their voice outside the system of organized language.

Blah is the artistic part of my master thesis on the problematic behind the three dimensions of organized language: communication-expression-meaning.


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The Last One Never Laughs
Views: 873

A journalist, who has lost his identity, visits an uncanny land, in which the smile is banned by law. He feels lost in its dystopia, consisted of self-destructive people, who deplore the smile. He gains many personal experiences that make him unaware of his aim and his human state as well. Will he eventually be able to find a way out?

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Inside the body
Views: 66

Every expression of the subject is inherent in the body image, indicating the lack of being, which desire tries to cover.

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Views: 74

documentary - Narrated by Christina Koblitsi

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Demetris: A Visual Artist
Views: 795

The cinematic portrait of a visual artist, Demetris Papazachos, a senior student of the Fine Arts School in Thessaloniki, is about featuring an artist without just showing his artwork but emphasizing at his personality and his artistic thinking instead. Through his internal journey, gay culture elements are projected while an interesting question is raised: Who is "A Visual Artist" at last?

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Views: 97

Social sensitization animation project on road safety. It emphasizes the use of a safety helmet when driving a motorcycle.

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Bouquets: Artifact Conglomerations
Views: 155

The project composes a series of random artifacts relating to art and design history, used either ας decorative or utilitarian artifacts, turning them into a non-definitive object [bouquet] floating in space.

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