EX-SITU [existing situations]. Destruction as an social-artistic practice.

Views: 720

EX-SITU[existing situations] is an interactive installation that incorporates a computer, sound, and lighting technologies in which users/ viewers take part in the destruction of the painting by stepping on it. At the same time, a motion tracking system marks visitors and a light spot tracks them.​
The content of EX SITU calls for awareness of social indifference, self-promotion, and their impact on society. The structure of EX SITU is intentionally ambiguous, revealing the obsession/fascination for the protection of material in contrast with the empathy for other people.
The interactive installation underlines the responsibility of individuals in society. The theoretical part analyses the Destruction in Art Symposium in 1966 and The bystander effect, or bystander apathy, in which individuals are less likely to offer help to a victim when other people are present.

Developer: Kostas Tsioutas

Martha Gogakou
Life as a Blooming Flower
Vivi Perysinaki
Life as a Blooming Flower
Margarita Chalakatevaki
Evangelos Aslanidis
Fani Kesidou
Quarantine Self Portait
Quarantine Self Portait
Negative Buoyancy, the story of a freediver
Dimitra Delfi
Negative Buoyancy, the story of a freediver
Laura Konti
Marilu Theologiti
Views: 722

"Dharmadhatu" is an experimental audiovisual video with linear narrative. It has been created with an original experimental technique, where each frame results from a live recording of the behavior of flowing colors on a painted surface.

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Life as a Blooming Flower
Views: 16

The project focuses on close-ups of flowers ας elements of the beauty of nature and the spiritual uplift created by the connection with it.

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Views: 790

Aynadamar: An important place as far back as when the Arabs were in the area. The whole region of Andalusia was supplied with water through that spring, reaching as far as Madrid. Several years later, the poet and playwright Federico Garcia Lorca is taken there to be executed. His work in turn supplied the whole Spain and spread to the rest of the world. The documentary intertwines significant events of his life with dramatised excerpts from his work, aiming at achieving Duende (as Lorca used to say), the quintessence of all things.

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Views: 9

"Dissloving" is about an interactive audiovisual installation in progress, part of the thematic titled "Memory Void," assigned to us during the "Interactive Environments - Installations" Module. 

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Views: 554

In this video art work 39 persons of different ages are invited to sit in front of the same black door, talk about their favourite object and in what, by using this object, they could be transformed. In the final cut only the silent expressions are kept.

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Views: 6

An interactive symbolic work consisting of a wire brain construction is presented. 

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Quarantine Self Portait
Views: 572

The quarantine's experience time has functioned as a humanized time. Its previous social barbarity was imprisoned in the familiar cage of my soul and became my creation time. Each day was my friend, an eternal circular and dynamic present, a consciousness without conflicts. It was like an eternity that is experienced differently every moment. An unprecedented form of stillness gripped me and perpetuated in many abstract fragments which finally formed the new texture of my existence, in this peculiar isolation. I became from the carcass of time I was before, its qualitative disintegration… Reality was distorted and experienced illusively. The time from the alienation that was before, was transformed and became the cover for the scratched truth of myself. This kind of time my conscience had dreamed to live.

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Negative Buoyancy, the story of a freediver
Views: 724

A freediver transforms into water while he dives beneath the surface, connects with nature and becomes a part of the underwater environment by hunting like a marine predator.
The mesmerizing underwater world is accessible to those who overcome fear and dare to push their human limits a little further in order to explore it. The passion with the serene world beneath the surface becomes a lifestyle for those who surrender themselves to negative buoyancy.

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Views: 787

Blah as an artwork that interacts with the phenomenon of the speaking subject. The artwork responds to the human voice with air, and the intensity of the air is proportional to the volume of the voice.

Borrowing immersive practices from physical theater and the Black Box framework, the project seeks to create a liberating condition where visitors have the opportunity to experiment with their voice outside the system of organized language.

Blah is the artistic part of my master thesis on the problematic behind the three dimensions of organized language: communication-expression-meaning.


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Views: 765

The compositional method is based on the incorporation of sound material of cultural background into an electroacoustic piece. By drawing a linear narration, my aim was to demonstrate a unity, an imaginary community, which characterizes the Romani culture, despite the hybridic, complicated and diverse traditions deriving from the various European and Asian countries its people live in. A central question behind the making of this piece is what kind of role can a civilization have today, when the concept of space is eliminated by time- a key element in the dynamics of capitalism. What are the cultural consequences of the so-called annihilation of time and space, as materialized and tangible dimensions of social life? Are historical tradition and the search for roots promoted and reorganized as simulacra, imitations or/and museum culture, thourgh the demonstration of a partly deceptive past?

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